Saturday, May 2, 2009

Your Dog’s Feeding Schedule

Just as a nutritious diet is important to your dog’s health so is a consistent feeding schedule. Dogs should eat regularly by spacing out meals as well as treats.

The feeding schedule you develop will depend on your dog’s health and age to sustain your dog’s diet and nutritional needs. While adult dogs may only need to eat once a day, two meals is preferred. Treats or snacks should be monitored and not given at mealtimes.

Older dogs may have some dietary changes as they age but generally they can be kept to the same feeding schedule.

Puppies need more mealtimes during the day. Nursing puppies should nurse on demand but as they get older and switch to more solid food 4 or 5 times a day. Once weaned puppies can be cut down to 3 times a day until they reach adulthood.

Dogs like routine so try to keep your dog on the same schedule every day. The schedule is up to you to determine but try to keep the schedule once established. Soon it will become part of your routine too. Extreme changes in a feeding schedule may cause stress making your dog antsy and insecure.

Try not to overdo the treats or snacks because these will also become part of the daily routine for your dog. Too many treats can contribute to obesity and take focus off of mealtimes which is where your dog gets his primary daily nutrition.

Regular feeding will keep your dog’s diet on target by regulating his elimination schedule. You’ll be able to predict when he needs to go out which is a big help in housetraining as well as preventing accidents. Traveling with a dog becomes easier when you know his potty schedule. It will be easier for you to spot any changes in your dog’s health by changes in his eating or elimination patterns.

Make a feeding schedule and stick to it for your dog’s health and well being as well as your own convenience.

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